458) Stories and Reality. (গল্প ও বাস্তবতা।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒
458 https://parg.co/bCDM ) Stories and Reality. (গল্প ও বাস্তবতা।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://parg.co/bPrW ✒ "It's impossible to write a story that mimics reality." #Literature #Reality #Wisdom If you want to write a story by imitating reality, it will not be possible. Because if you want to apply the imagination of the mind in the environment of reality, it will be inconsistent. For example: In my novel "In The Forest of Assam" I have described taking a pistol to a hotel, injuring Mofiz Bhai of Gulshan https://parg.co/bhsi etc. But in reality that is impossible. Because, it is impossible to carry a pistol in a five star hotel due to security measures. Again, in the place where I have described the injury of Mofiz Bhai, in reality it is impossible to do so due to security reasons. But in my story I did that. Similarly, in Ravi Tagore's supernatural stories, the stories of Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Sir Haggard, Edgar Rice Barros, Satyaji...