112)Similarities between the literary original works. – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

112 http://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/ ) Similarities between the literary original works. – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html ✒ 

“Though the literary, every original work is established by own structure – but there are some common similarities between the literary original of all works.”

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Literary works mean :- Critical, the practical, poems, fictional and nonfictional writings, novels, stories.......... 

All litterateurs directly and indirectly related with the human societies and the situations of the world and universe. 

And the main subject of all of literary works is the human and the human societies. 

For this reason, all writers must have to depend on the situations of human societies and elements of creatures to write their literary works. 

Such as :- Culture, clothes, eating, foods, houses, tendency, technologies, politics, movements, struggle........... 

All kinds of the writers must have to depend on these elements of the creatures of the universe. 

And structurally, there are two kinds of literature about the fictional and nonfictional literary works :- 

Original literature ✒ These kinds of literary works are written by the genuine knowledge, thinking, and experiences – which are not copying of other writers or the writings. 

It may be written about various subjects of the literature. 

Such as :- Religion, history, novel, story, fictional, nonfictional, even atheism. 

And the original literature is the highest literary works. 

Moreover, original writings are the founding literary works for the literary future generations. 

It is true that, original writings are the most valuable subjects of literary all works. 

Copied literature ✒ 

These kinds of literary works are not dependent on the genuine knowledge or experience. 

This copied literature mainly depends on other original writings. 

And in copied literature, the character, situation, and space be changed – but the main storyline is written according to the related original writings. 

Though copied literature is not first class writing – but copied literature is one kind of promoter of the original writings. 

Even, copied literature may be a medium to understand the related original literary works. 

But, copied literature never equivalent to the original literature. 

However, copied literature has value as converted literature. 

Yes, copywriting does promote the original to some extent. But it damages the intellectual property of the original author and deprives the original author of the rights he deserves.

Even copying writing is a form of plagiarism. So intellectual property should be protected in the modern world. 

Original literature is based on the genuine knowledge and experience. 

And the genuine knowledge and experience normally depend on the creatures of the universe. 

For this reason, there are many similarities between the original literature. 

Moreover, originality of the original literature be never confined. 

🌟 Similarities between the theoretical and political literary original works ✒ 

Writings of the philosopher Aristotle https://g.Co/kgs/f839co , 

 Historian Ibn Khaldun https://g.Co/kgs/1bpnkt 

 And philosopher jean Jacques Rousseau https://g.Co/kgs/uip4hw ✒ 

 “The politics” of the philosopher Aristotle ✒ 

At first, critically written about the politics, evolution of the human societies, history..... In his book, “The politics” (4th bc). 

The philosopher Aristotle had to research about various political and rulings systems of previous and his contemporary times to write “The politics”. 

And “The politics” is a literary original works. 

“Al-Mukaddimah (1377)” of Ibn Khaldun ✒ 

 After Aristotle more than 1000 years, Ibn Khaldun wrote about the politics, history, evolution of the human societies...... In his book, “Al-Mukaddimah (1377)”. 

Ibn Khaldun wrote his this book according to the style of Aristotle. 

Though, the book “Al-Mukaddimah” was written according to the style of another book “The politics” – but the book, “Al-Mukaddimah” is the literary genuine and original work. 

“The social contract (1762)” of Jean Jacques Rousseau ✒ 

And after Ibn Khaldun more than 400 years, also Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote about the politics, evolution of the human societies...... In his book, “The social contract (1762)”. 

Jean Jacques Rousseau directly and indirectly followed Aristotle to write “The social contract”. 

All of these books are the original literary works – but, there are strong similarities between these three books. 

Even, the writing style of these three books are simulated with each others. 

Though there are strong similarities between these three books – but, these are original literary works. 

Because the philosopher Aristotle, Ibn Khaldun and Rousseau wrote these books according to their own genuine knowledge and experiences. 

🌟 Struggle against disorders of the sea ✒ 

 “The old man and the sea (1952)” by Ernest Miller, Hemingway

 And “20000 leagues under the sea (1870)” by Jules Verne
https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs :- 

Before Ernest Hemingway, Jules Verne wrote the science fictional novel,“2000 leagues under the sea”. 

In this novel, captain old man Nemo taken sea life in a submarine,“Notilas” and he struggled against the sea. 

Many years later, Ernest Hemingway written,“The old man and the sea”. 

And in this novel, and old person struggled against the sea. 

In these two novels, the two old men struggled against the sea for their aims. 

 Though may be there are differential substitutions of these novels – but they have strong similarities with each-others and these are original literary works. 

Moreover, there are similarities between the novels,“Moby Dick or the whale” of American writer Herman Melville
https://g.Co/kgs/rcdekp and “The old man and the sea”. 

🌟 Novels about the nationality, family, and romance ✒ 

 Rabindranath Tagore's 
https://g.Co/kgs/vmdqi6 , “Gora (Struggle for Identity) (1910)”, 

Maxim Gorky's https://g.Co/kgs/2jtqpw , “The mother (1906)”. 

And “Potherdabi (Authority of the Freedom)”(1926) of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay 
https://g.Co/kgs/edzvu7 ✒ 

 Rabindranath Tagore
https://g.Co/kgs/vmdqi6 wrote “Gora” novel based on the dividing of all Bangla. 

In this novel, the main character, “Gora” struggled for the motherland. 

And for the Indian national identity. 

Moreover, there are strong rulings of Gora's half mother – who preserved after birth of Gora. 

In this novel, the struggle of Gora impressed by the contemporary politics, his half mother......... 

 Maxim Gorky https://g.Co/kgs/2jtqpw wrote the novel “Mother” – where one of the main character Pavel impressed by the contemporary society, politics, his mother...... 

 Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay 
https://g.Co/kgs/edzvu7 wrote “Potherdabi” as an offensive novel against the British Indian governments. 

All of these novels are similitude to each-others in the social situations, contemporary politics, family, and romance.

But, these three novels are original literary works – because, they wrote these novels according to their genuine knowledge and experiences. 

🌟 Double entities of the human beings ✒ 

 “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886)” by Robert Louis Stevenson 

 And “Dracula” (1897)
https://g.Co/kgs/dr6f25 by Bram Stoker 
https://g.Co/kgs/a345bh ✒

2)These two novels were written about the two sides of the human character. 

The good side (angels) and bad side (demons) are the main tendency of the human nature. 

Any person, both, can be good and bad in various situations. 

These two novels based on these tendencies of the human character. 

Though these two novels written through the two kinds of human creatures. 

 “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is a scientific novel. 

In this novel, by drinking one kind of liquid, Dr. Jekyll (good) converted to Mr. Hyde (bad). 

After drinking liquid, Mr. Hyde (Dr. Jekyll) did various crimes, including killing. 

 “Dracula” is a ghoulish and horror, in a novel. 

 In this novel, the main character, Count Dracula, in the daytime, is a gentle man (angel) and in the dark of the night, Dracula converted to a ghoul (demon) and drinks blood from alive humans. 

These two novels are relevantly similitude to each-others. 
But, both these novels are literary original works. 

Because, Robert Lues Stevenson and Bram Stoker wrote these novels according to their thinking. 

🌟 Struggle to return home ✒ 

https://g.Co/kgs/wrmsyo (8th bc) of Homer
https://g.Co/kgs/ht3nbd , 

 And “The adventure of Sinbad the sailor
https://g.Co/kgs/nvpzae (1637)” of the Arabian Nights Arabi Nisollasaya
https://g.Co/kgs/zuxcqc , 

 “The odyssey” is an ancient epic : - 

In the epic, the main character odyssey (willy cis) had been confined by various disorders to returning home from the war of troy. 

At last, Odyssey returns home through various struggles. 

 “The adventure of Sinbad (1637)” also an ancient a story ✒ 

In the story, the main character, Sinbad, is a sailor from Baghdad. 

He went to trading over the sea to various places. 

But he was confined by various disorders and lost his wealth with his ship.

Thus he confined seven times by various disorders. 

And at last successfully he returns home with taking more and more wealth. 

Epical, these stories are strongly similitude to each-others, but both are the literary original works. 

🌟 Powerful own place ✒ 

“City in the Sahara” by Jules Verne
Https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs , 

 And “Dr. No (1958)” of Ian Lancaster Fleming
Https://g.Co/kgs/hhnwff ✒ 

 “City in the Sahara” is a science fictional novel by Jules Verne
https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs ✒ 

In the novel, the main villain, Harry killer built up his own city by various scientific technologies with various scientists. 

But, various scientists never knew that, Harry was a big criminal and dangerous killer. 

Because, by cheating, Harry captured various scientists. 

Moreover, Harry killer harmed various countries by his power. 

At last, Harry destroyed by European soldiers. 

“Dr. No” is a big novel of James Bond series by Ian Fleming ✒ 

In the novel, a Chinese person “Dr. Julius no” built up a big abode on the inner side of a hill on an American island. 

Technologies and activities of Dr. No were very harmful for the various countries as like as harry killer (city in the Sahara). 

Next time, Dr. No, destroyed by the spy James Bond of the British Secret Service. 

 Though these novels are strongly similitude to each-others, but both of these novels are the literary original works. 

Because, Jules Verne and Ian Fleming wrote these novels according to their own genuine knowledge, thinking, and experiences.

🌟 Animals hunting in the forests ✒ 

Hunting descriptions of British hunter Jim Corbett
https://g.Co/kgs/g9sbzn (1875 - 1955) :- 

Jim Corbett was a hunter – who hunted man eater, various leopards and tigers. 

His descriptions seem to stories and novels as like as the novels of Tarzan
https://g.Co/kgs/wb77nz series by Edgar Rice Burroughs
https://g.Co/kgs/bdqmwt . 

But the telling of Jim Corbett never story or novels. 

Because, Jim Corbett wrote his hunting descriptions according to his hard hunting experiences. 

Imaginary hunter Allan Quatermain of Sir Henry Rider Haggard 
https://g.Co/kgs/c3mjox ✒ 

Henry Rider Haggard wrote some novels about the imaginary hunter Allan Quatermain. 

Moreover, Henry Rider Haggard added descriptions of the natural wealth. 

🌟 Accidentally fallen on the island ✒ 

 “Robinson Crusoe (1719)” by Daniel Defoe
https://g.Co/kgs/drpjne ,

“Mysterious island (1874)” of Jules Verne
https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs , 

 “The coral island
https://g.Co/kgs/gm3chm (1858)” of Scottish author R. M. Ballantyne
https://g.Co/kgs/mkk24r . 

And “Lord of the Flies” https://g.co/kgs/euyMeKB of 
British author William Golding https://g.co/kgs/s6uc7xJ .  

 In the novel,“Robinson Crusoe” the main character, Robinson Crusoe, throughout from his ship to an unknown island – where there is no person lives. 

It was very hard for Robinson Crusoe to live on that island. 

But, Robinson Crusoe lived by making necessary various matter and many years lived on that unknown island.

 In the novel,“Mysterious island”, some prisoners fled from prison through balloon and fell on an unknown island. 

They lived here some years and for the living they built up necessary many matters. 

 In the novel, “Coral island” three boys accidentally fallen on an island, and they lived here some days. 

To live on that island, they had to struggle against opposite various situations. 

 There are strong similarities between these three novels in that, all the main characters accidentally fallen on the islands, and they struggle against the natural oppositions. 

Moreover, they had to build up various matters to live in the related islands. 

Though, there are similarities between these novels – but these novels are the literary original works. 

The novel “Lord of the Flies” is very similar to the novel “The coral island.”

🌟 Traveling ✒ 

 Travels of Marco Polo
Https://g.Co/kgs/p7y2mb (1254 - 1324), 

Travels of Ibn Battuta 
Https://g.Co/kgs/g9a17i (1304 - 1369),

And the novel “Around the world in 80 days (1873)” by Jules Verne
Https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs ✒ 

 Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta were the ancient travelers – who traveled the world through their contemporary facilitating systems. 

And their travels were very thrilled. 

 In the novel,“Around the world in 80 days”, the main character, Filias Fog and his assistant rounded the world in 80 as a challenge. 

To around the world, they had to over various opposite situations by depending on various machines systems. 

Moreover, they had to over various problems in various areas. 

At last, they won the challenge and completed the rounding of the world in 80 days. 

Though, there are strong similarities between these literary works – but the novel,“Around the world in 80 days” is not copied of the descriptions of Marco Polo or Ibn Battuta.

🌟 Treasure hunting ✒ 

Robert Louis Stevenson's,“Treasure Island (1883)” 
https://g.Co/kgs/whpjr1 ,

Jules Verne's, “The begum's fortune (1879)”, 

Edgar Rice Burroughs's, “Tarzan and the city of gold (1933)”, 

 Sir Henry Rider Haggard's, “King Solomon's mines (1885)” 
https://g.Co/kgs/c3mjox ✒ 

All these four books are one kind of fairy tells about the treasure hunting. 

These four books are filled with equivalently thrilling, adventurous...... 

But all of these books are the literary original works. 

🌟 Imaginary world about inside the earth ✒ 

“Journey to the center of earth (1864)” by Jules Verne
https://g.Co/kgs/aoezbs , 

And “Tarzan at the earth's core (1930)” by Edgar rice Burroughs
https://g.Co/kgs/bdqmwt . 

 In the novel, “Journey to the center of earth”, three persons entered the center of earth through a hole in an invalid volcano. 

They entered here according to the descriptions of another person. 

After entering here, they saw the creatures of center of earth are massive more than the creatures on the surface of the earth. 

This is one of the adventurous, a novel by Jules Verne. 

 In the novel,“Tarzan at the earth's core”, the main character Tarzan entered the earth's core through a hole in the earth. 

After entering the core of earth, Tarzan faced new experiences about the situations, societies, animals..... 

This novel is fulfilled by the action, adventure, and thrills. 

These two novels are the imaginary novels – because, there are no societies, animals or human beings in the center (core) of the earth. 

Moreover, there are strong similarities between these novels – but, these are the literary original works.

🌟 About imaginary smallest human beings ✒ 

 “Gulliver's travels (1726)” of Jonathan Swift
https://g.Co/kgs/zetcr1 , 

And “Tarzan and the ant men (1924)” by Edgar Rice Burroughs
https://g.Co/kgs/bdqmwt .

 Jonathan Swift wrote the novel,“Gulliver's travels” more than 250 years ago. 

In this novel, the main character, Gulliver, accidentally falls on an island – where, the people are very short after six inches, called Lilliput. 

At first, Lilliput wanted to catch senseless Gulliver as an enemy. 

Next time, Gulliver became a friend of Lilliput. 

Here, Gulliver lived some days and attended the war of Lilliput. 

And next time he left the island of Lilliput. 

Moreover, through another accident, Gulliver fallen to another island – where, the people are massive. 

And opposite of these peoples' Gulliver was tiny. 

At last, Gulliver returns to his home. 

 In the novel, “Tarzan and the ant men” the main character, Tarzan, fallen into an African area – where, the people are tiny (as like as Lilliput) called ant men. 

At first, ant men caught senseless Tarzan (as like as Gulliver) as their enemy. 

But, next time, Tarzan became friend of ant men and attended the war of ant men ......... 

In the war of ant man, opposite ant men injected Tarzan one kind of medicine by weapons. 

As a result, Tarzan became tiny as like as ant men and was a prisoner in the opposite ant men's country. 

Next time, Tarzan became free and returned to his home. 

These two novels are literary original works – though there are forceful similarities between these novels. 

🌟 Critical and the philosophical writings ✒ 

The writings of philosopher Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd earl Russell
https://g.Co/kgs/hxm5jx (1872–1970)

And the writings of George Bernard Shaw
https://g.Co/kgs/vjdm39 (1856 – 1950) ✒ 

Both were the great writers of the world. 

They wrote many books about many subjects. 

And their writings are original. 

Bertrand Russell mainly was the critical writer. 

Otherwise, George Bernard Shaw was mainly the fictional writer. 

But, there are critical and the theoretical subjects in the writings of Bertrand Russell and George Bernard Shaw. 

Moreover, there is a similarity between the writings of Bertrand Russell and Bernard Shaw that, they could write hard subjects through easily – as if, the readers can understand related subjects. 

But, the writings of Bertrand Russell and Bernard Shaw are the original. 

 Because, they wrote by their own genuine knowledge, thinking, and the experiences. 

 🌟 Jungle life ✒ 

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling https://g.Co/kgs/9xxmvr and Tarzan of the apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
https://g.Co/kgs/tnsdbh are similar. 

The growing up of two children in the jungle is the main subject of these books. 

 In fact, similarities between the literary original works is a normal affair with each-others. ©️All Right Reserved by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

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636) About the intellectual property of my writing.(আমার লেখার মেধাস্বত্ব সম্পর্কে।)— Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/UdXG 

637)Win prizes.(পুরস্কার জিতুন।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur ✒ https://parg.co/UdwF

667)Case against chat GPT. (চ্যাট জিপিটির বিরুদ্ধে মামলা।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/U3oD http://ow.ly/Zawy104u7kO

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