99)Speaking and the literature.(ভাষণ ও সাহিত্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

99 http://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/ )Speaking and the literature.(ভাষণ ও সাহিত্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://parg.co/UYAr ( http://ow.ly/efEw102XXHZ ) ✒ #Speaking #Literature #Wisdom 
“The perfect speaking is also the subject of the literature.(সার্থক ভাষণ ও সাহিত্যের বিশেষ অংশ।)” 


(Critical writing, diplomacy and the world peace https://write.As/yhnw1xnxsemqv ) 

Literature mainly depends on the writings. 

Some speakings of some great individuals are also become the literary subject. 

Because, when great individuals serve the speakings – then, they talk by their wisdom. 

For this reason, these speakings also become the parts of the literature. 

Next time, various individuals note the voices of the wise individuals. 

Thus, the speaking of the great individuals become the subject of the literature. 

The great Imam Abu Hanifa (Rah.) https://g.Co/kgs/kfzse2 ✒

He was one of the great philosophers of the world. 
Also, he was a great speaker. 
 And now, his speakings also the parts of the literature. 

Imam Abu Hamid Al-ghazali https://g.Co/kgs/ggsgb6 ✒

He was one of the founder father of academic Sufism and one of the mujaddids (purifier) of Islam religion. 
He was a great saint and writer. 
Also, he was a great speaker. 
And now, also his speaking are the parts of literature. 

Sayed Ashraf Ali Thanwi https://g.Co/kgs/v6jwgs ✒ 
    He was one of the great Muslim saints and writers of the world. 
He wrote more than 500 books (Subhan Allah). 
   Also, he was a great speaker. 
   And now, his speakings are the parts of literature with the name,''Mawaeje Ashrafia (the speakings of Sayed Ashraf Ali Thanwi )''. 

Philosopher Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd earl Russell
Https://g.Co/kgs/hxm5jx ✒

He was one of the great philosophers and writers of the world. 

Though, he was an atheist philosopher – but, he was a great speaker. 

It is said that, Bertrand Russell was active to speaking until his death. 

And now, his speakings are also the parts of the literature. 

Syed Abul A'la Maududi Chishti https://g.Co/kgs/2kzeks ✒

 It is said that, he wrote his tafsir, "Tafhimul Quran (the understanding of the Quran)" by his own opinion. 

However, he was also a great speaker. 

And now, his speakings also the parts of the literature. 

Vladimir Lenin 
https://g.Co/kgs/8gugh8 ✒

He was an atheist philosopher.
But, he was a big writer, politician, and leader. 

Furthermore, he was a great speaker.
 And now, his speakings also the parts of the literature. 

Today, we remember all kinds of the great speakers. ©️All Right Reserved by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

24°33'58.6"N 90°41'30.4"E

My home Location ✒ https://parg.co/UdXS , But I don't live here. Rented out to other people.

Nandail Municipality, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



⌨️📱 My writing in accordance with the subject (বিষয় অনুযায়ী আমার লেখা।) ✒ https://v.gd/SubjectsOfJunayedWritings 

⌨️ My writing according to the serial (সিরিয়াল অনুযায়ী আমার লেখা।) ✒ https://v.gd/SerialOfJunayedWritings

702) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2023/06/702-my-success-in-writing-written-by.html

#Writing #Wisdom #Theology #History #Humanity #Literature #Law

636) About the intellectual property of my writing.(আমার লেখার মেধাস্বত্ব সম্পর্কে।)— Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/UdXG 

637)Win prizes.(পুরস্কার জিতুন।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur ✒ https://parg.co/UdwF

667)Case against chat GPT. (চ্যাট জিপিটির বিরুদ্ধে মামলা।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/U3oD http://ow.ly/Zawy104u7kO

#Intellectualproperty #Literature #Law #Contract #Writing #Wisdom 

702) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2023/06/702-my-success-in-writing-written-by.html

#Writing #Wisdom #Theology #History #Humanity #Literature #Law 

সাহিত্য সাধারণত নির্ভর করে লেখা-লেখির উপর। 

কিন্তু, যখন সাহিত্যিক ও মহান ব্যক্তিগণ ভাষণ দেন, তখন তাঁদের ভাষণও সাহিত্যের বিষয়বস্তুতে পরিণত হয়। 
কেননা, তাঁরা তাদের জ্ঞান ও অভিজ্ঞতার দ্বারাই ভাষণ দেন। 

১) ইমাম আযম আবু হানিফার (রাহ্.) ভাষণ আজ ধর্ম-দর্শন তো বটেই – সাহিত্যেরও অমূল্য সম্পদ। 

২) ইমাম গাজ্জালি (রাহ্.) প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক সুফিবাদের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা, সুসাহিত্যিক এবং সুবক্তা ছিলেন।
তাঁর রচনাবলির পাশাপাশি ভাষণ সমূহও আজ ধর্ম-দর্শন আর সাহিত্যের অমূল্য সম্পদ।

তেমনি, মাওলানা সায়্যেদ আশরাফ আলী থানভী, সায়্যেদ আবুল আ'লা মওদুদি, বার্ট্রান্ড রাসেল, ভ্লাদিমির লেনিন….র ভাষণও আধুনিক সাহিত্য জগতের অমূল্য সম্পদ।©️All Right Reserved by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

24°33'58.6"N 90°41'30.4"E

My home Location ✒ https://parg.co/UdXS , But I don't live here. Rented out to other people.

Nandail Municipality, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



⌨️📱 My writing in accordance with the subject (বিষয় অনুযায়ী আমার লেখা।) ✒ https://v.gd/SubjectsOfJunayedWritings 

⌨️ My writing according to the serial (সিরিয়াল অনুযায়ী আমার লেখা।) ✒ https://v.gd/SerialOfJunayedWritings

702) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2023/06/702-my-success-in-writing-written-by.html

#Writing #Wisdom #Theology #History #Humanity #Literature #Law

636) About the intellectual property of my writing.(আমার লেখার মেধাস্বত্ব সম্পর্কে।)— Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/UdXG 

637)Win prizes.(পুরস্কার জিতুন।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur ✒ https://parg.co/UdwF

667)Case against chat GPT. (চ্যাট জিপিটির বিরুদ্ধে মামলা।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://parg.co/U3oD http://ow.ly/Zawy104u7kO

#Intellectualproperty #Literature #Law #Contract #Writing #Wisdom 

702) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ https://literatureforalljunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2023/06/702-my-success-in-writing-written-by.html

#Writing #Wisdom #Theology #History #Humanity #Literature #Law 


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