638)Win honors.(সম্মানী জিতুন।)-Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒

638 https://v.gd/JunayedWritingsFrom635 )Win honors.(সম্মানী জিতুন।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html ✒ #Intellectualproperty #Literature #Law #Contract #Writing #Wisdom #Earning #Easymoney “Win honors by mediating my writings.” https://notepin.co/shared/bnsssxm Anyone can mediate on my behalf with any person and organization to publish my writing https://parg.co/USyI ( http://ow.ly/S5LA103gh0h ) on YouTube, Facebook or any other platform. As a result, the concerned person or organization will contract with me junayedmn1@gmail.com +8801611112262 . I will pay you 2% from the money I earn through the said contract. I could contact any organization regarding my writing. But that would be a waste of my time. So, I offer you this. This is my honor to you. But neither brokerage nor wages. And easy money for you. So giving you 2% of my earnings is a big deal. Therefore, mediate between m...