399) Manufacturing industry and The Literature. (উৎপাদন শিল্প ও সাহিত্য।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒

399 https://parg.co/buSN ) ⌨️📱🏭 Manufacturing industry and The Literature. (উৎপাদন শিল্প ও সাহিত্য।) - Written by https://parg.co/bPrW Junayed Ashrafur Rahman 📧 Junayedmn1@gmail.com ✒ "The manufacturing industry makes products for people and literature helps people to be appropriate." #Wisdom #industry #economics #literature 🌟 Manufacturing industry ✒ It is true that the production industry, that is, the various mills, produce goods for the people in the same way that literature does not produce goods for the people. People can meet their basic needs through the products produced. Such as: - Food to satisfy hunger, clothing for the body, home building tools for housing, etc. 🌟 Production industry and literature ✒ Literature does not produce such products directly for human beings. But the guidance that is needed to become a proper human being after filling basic needs comes from literature. Even ...