22) Paper book and the e-book. - written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman
22 https://parg.Co/bocz ) Paper book and the e-book. – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://parg.co/UYAr ( http://ow.ly/efEw102XXHZ ) ✒️ “For the case of virtual communications and the busy lives in the modern ages, we have to depend on the e-books more than the paper books.” (Happy the world book day – 23 April 2018) 1) It is true that, the book is one of the most common elements for the developing of the world civilization. 2) Normally, it is thought that a book is the medium of the knowledge which is made by the papers. 3) Just 10 years ago, we had to carry up the books in our bag. 4) Even, our bags were filled up with some big books. 5) But, in the present time, we are being more and more busy with our daily lives. 6) Otherwise, it is becoming very difficult to carry up the paper books with other goods. 7) But the technology is being more and more advanced everywhere in of the world. 8) The reading system is also become developed by the mode...