
811) Criminal minds, fictional criminals and the criminal writings. _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 811) Criminal minds, fictional criminals and the criminal writings. _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ “Every fictional criminal is the exposure of every writer's criminal mind.” Every human has wish. This is why, everybody wish that, if i were a king, a prince, a minister, a president............... Also, every person has a secret wish that, if i were a big criminal / villain. Yes, it is true !! Because, crime is the powerful thrill of human minds. This is why, some persons practically become criminals. Some persons, remove criminal thrill from minds and become polite persons. But, the literarians (writers, poets......) expose their criminal minds by writings. Yes,every writer expose own criminal mind by various writings. Ten Headed Ravana OF EPIC “Meghnad Badh Kavya (The Termination Of Ra...

810) Women and the modern literature. :- নারী ও আধুনিক সাহিত্য। _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

810) Women and the modern literature.  :- নারী  ও  আধুনিক সাহিত্য।  _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman   ✒      “As the literary products,  in the modern literature never use the women. (আধুনিক সাহিত্যে নারী জাতিকে কখনোই পণ্য হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা অনুচিত।)”  Women are the common creation of allah for the male persons. Because, women are the natural, spiritual and the physical partners of the male persons. This is why, in all kinds of literature incidantally, commonly and naturally every writer write also about the women societies. But unfortunately, bygone many writers used the women as the literary products.  ‘Othello’ by William Shakespeare ✒   'Othello’ is a...

765)(Video 94) রবি ঠাকুর প্রসঙ্গে। _ by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 765)(Video 94) রবি ঠাকুর প্রসঙ্গে। _ by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman 🌟

757)Literature and patriotism.(সাহিত্য ও দেশপ্রেম।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 757 ) Literature and patriotism.(সাহিত্য ও দেশপ্রেম।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  “Literature is one of the sources of patriotism.” As many countries as there are in this world, there is a mention of patriotism in the literature of every country.  It is the inspiration of patriotism in the literature of all countries, including Bangladesh, India, China, Japan, Europe, America, Africa.  As many writers as there are in Bengali literature, everyone has mentioned patriotism in their writings.  Similarly, there is a mention of patriotism in all language literature, including English literature, French literature, literature of different African countries.  So, as a writer, I also write about patriotism and talk about Patriotism. ©️All Right Reserved by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman 24°33'58.6"N 90°41'30.4"E My home Locat...

745)I write independently.(আমার স্বাধীনভাবে লেখা।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

745 )I write independently.(আমার স্বাধীনভাবে লেখা।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ “The quality of independent writing is much better and better than formalized writing.” Truth and innovation are more important in independent writing.  But bias, falsehood, and flattery predominate in formal writings.  And bias towards a particular party and ideology remains the main theme.  It is said, Bengali literature writer and journalist Panchkari Dey used to write unilaterally against and in favor of people in exchange for money. He wrote unilaterally in favor of the one who gave money. And he wrote unilaterally against the one who gave him money. In that, the purpose of earning money was more significant than the truth.  And the concerned author writes unilaterally supporting the party he belongs to or supports.  Again, the concern...

741)Main aim of the literature.(সাহিত্যের মূল উদ্দেশ্য।) _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

741 )Main aim of the literature.(সাহিত্যের মূল উদ্দেশ্য।) _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  “All kinds of the literature should be written for the welfare of the humanity.(সকল ধরণের সাহিত্য অবশ্যই মানবতার কল্যাণে রচিত হওয়া উচিৎ।)” (🌝📚 In The Facebook / 🌐 In The WordPress ( App Link :- ) / ) There are mainly two kinds of the literature :-  Critical literature :- articles, political/scientific theories, history…, And  Fictional literature :- novels, stories, poems..... And various writers write various literatures according to their abilities. Some writers write only about the developments for the humanity. Suc...

735)Human welfare by the author.(লেখক কর্তৃক মানব কল্যাণ।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

735 )Human welfare by the author.(লেখক কর্তৃক মানব কল্যাণ।)_ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  “In reality, what writers wrote for human welfare is more important than what they did for human welfare.” Human welfare is not a mandatory matter.  But to make one's life worthwhile, human welfare is needed.  Who can afford it.  Whoever has the ability, he does human welfare. He does it according to his own free will.  One cannot force another for this.  Human welfare by the author.  The main work of writers is to write.  Yes, writers also have to work more to make a living.  Count Leo Tolstoy_Rabindranath Tagore was a zamindari besides writing.  But writing was their main work.  Basically, writers do human welfare through writing.  Because, the income of the writers is not like that of the bus...

734)Success of author.(লেখকের সাফল্য।) _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

734 )Success of author.(লেখকের সাফল্য।) _ Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ “One of the greatest achievements of a writer is to be able to write down the own thoughts well.” Everyone thinks.  Thoughts are in everyone's brain. Only human thing.  There is no person in the world who does not have any thoughts in s/his mind.  But being able to express the own thoughts is success.  In this case, writers can express their thoughts the most.  The greatness of writers in expressing thoughts.  No one can express their thoughts like writers.  Moreover, people at other levels cannot express their thoughts as much as writers.  For example:- The way Rabindranath Tagore could express his thoughts, Galileo could not.  When the thought arose in Ravi Tagore's mind, he expressed it through stories_poems_songs_novels....

719)Warning about the reading of my writings.(নিজের লেখা সম্পর্কে সতর্কতা।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

719 )Warning about the reading of my writings.(নিজের লেখা সম্পর্কে সতর্কতা।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ #Writing #Literature #Education #Textbooks #Wisdom #Success  "Perhaps I, as an author, was the first to warn the reader against the own writing." Every writer hopes that s/his readership will continue to grow.  Because, it increases the enthusiasm of the writer. Big writer or small writer, original writer or copied writer, everyone wants to increase the number of readers.  But perhaps I cautioned the reader against reading my writing.  Because, I have read books written by many writers, but I have not found in anyone's book to warn the reader about s/his own writing.  My original writings, the ones I write, are completely my writings.  So, I warned the reader about my writing. I have also told that so that th...

718)Regarding my Bengali spelling and sentence structure.(আমার বাংলা বানান ও বাক্য গঠন প্রসঙ্গে।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

718 )Regarding my Bengali spelling and sentence structure.(আমার বাংলা বানান ও বাক্য গঠন প্রসঙ্গে।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  #Writing #Literature #Education #Textbooks #Wisdom  "Students in educational institutions should follow the spelling rules of their textbooks instead of following my spelling rules." While writing Bengali, I applied some rules of my own instead of following some conventional rules.  For example:- (Bengali তিনির His, যিনির whose) instead of (Bengali তাঁর His, যাঁর whose) etc. Again, I have applied my style in sentence formation.  For example:- Isha Khan did not accept Emperor Akbar(ইশা খাঁ সম্রাট আকবারকে মেনে নেন নি)… instead of writing like this, I have written like this - Emperor Akbar was not accepted by Isha Khan.(সম্রাট আকবারকে ইশা খাঁ মেনে নেন নি….।) I wrote again in the story "Peaceful Lead...

717)My writings and textbook.(আমার লেখা ও পাঠ্য বই।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

717 )My writings and textbook.(আমার লেখা ও পাঠ্য বই।)– Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ #Writing #Literature #Textbooks #AcademicEducation "By avoiding textbooks, it is never need to read my writings." Every book is a medium of knowledge. Be it a textbook or a book outside the textbook (out book).  Outbooks contain more volume and scope of knowledge than textbooks.  It is possible to become very knowledgeable by reading outbooks. But to pass the exam, students must read the textbook and pass the exam.  For example:- A medical student became very knowledgeable by reading outside books instead of textbooks. But s/he could not pass his medical examination. Then the importance and value of such knowledge may be elsewhere, but in becoming a doctor, this knowledge is nothing but failure. Even if someone reads another text written by the aut...

714) Place, time and character in the story.(গল্পে স্থান,কাল ও চরিত্র।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

714 ) Place, time and character in the story.(গল্পে স্থান,কাল ও চরিত্র।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  "Any character can be placed anywhere for the sake of the story, and fictional locations can also be incorporated." 🌟 Place in the story ✒  It is impossible to write a story without space. Because, to make the events of the story happen, it will not take any.  But there are two types of places in the story. The first place is real.  The existence of this place will be real, but the events of the story will be fictional. In the case of such places, even if the events are fictional, the geographical description of the reality should be properly described.(170)Geography and the literature. (ভূগোল ও সাহিত্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒

702) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 702  ) My success in writing. (লেখালেখিতে আমার সাফল্য।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒  #Writing #Wisdom #Theology #History #Humanity #Literature #Law  “My success in writing is manifold.” 🌟 All my writing is unique. At the age of 37 (2024) (born 1.02.1987) I wrote about literature, politics, philosophy, history, theology, experiences that happened in my life, short stories, big stories, short novels. I never duplicated someone's writing or wrote in the shadow of someone's writing. Nobody before writing this like that at the age of 37 Could not write Rabindranath Tagore, Count Leo Tolstoy, Machiavelli, Jay Jack Russo, Bertrand Russell, John Steinbeck, Ian Fleming, Mario Puzo was unable to write this article at this age (37). This is one of my main achievements in writing.  1 ) Never write against the state and govern...